Mindful Action

A retreat for climate change, peace and for social activists

01/03/2020 07:00 – 15/03/2020 07:00 UTC

European Institute of Applied Buddhism near Cologne, Germany


A retreat with Sr. Chan Duc, Sr. Luc Nghiem and other monastics

In this retreat we will take a close look at the basis for our actions, in order to alleviate suffering in the world.

Whether we are campaigning for a sustainable way of life for all species on earth or for a sustainable way of life in harmony, freedom and justice, we will consider how we can avoid drowning in a sea of anger, sorrow and violence. The practice of mindfulness, concentration and insight, which helps us to cultivate the energy of compassion, joy and peace, should be our daily diet if we want to be and remain happy human beings.

In this retreat we will create a safe and protected space in which each of us can learn, heal and transform, so that we can strengthen our deep aspiration to achieve change and transformation, as well as to be a stable refuge for those who need us.

We will hear Dharma talks from monastic Dharma teachers from Plum Village as well as some talks from people who already practice ‘mindful activism’, take part in circle-sharing, and have time for ourselves, to rest and relax, and reflect on our lives.

A deep ambition to help the world is not enough, if we don’t know how to take care of our own body and mind. That is why it is so important to learn the art of stopping, so we can take a look at our own body and mind and to check where we are before we push ahead with our actions in the world outside. Thanks to the practice of walking meditation, mindful breathing, sitting meditation and mindful eating together during meal times, we will cultivate the ability to stop, relax and allow ourselves to deeply touch the sanctity of life and the wonders always available in the present moment.

This retreat is being organized by nuns and monks from Plum Village and members of Wake Up.

The talks and presentations, and the circle-sharing will be predominantly in English, If required translation into German will be made available.